In Elon Musk – the man most likely to be an alien – we trust
A time traveller, a stranded alien from Mars, or a Quixote with money who likes to make stuff? Just who is Elon Musk?

Autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars on The Future, This Week
This week: after a flurry of contradicting announcements, we discuss if self-driving cars have finally arrived, or what it would take to get them here.

Tesla’s computing advantage and Italy’s population crisis on The Future, This Week
This week: Tesla’s computing advantage, Italy’s population crisis and gravitational batteries.

Automated vehicles may encourage a new breed of distracted drivers
Humans are poor at remaining vigilant over time. That's bad news for the safety of partially automated cars, which sometimes need the person behind the wheel to quickly take over control.

The Future, This Week 17 Aug 18: productivity, food crisis, and changing stories
This week: Googling productivity, placing weight on calories, and changing stories.

The Future, This Week 01 June 2018
This week: putting solar on the map, batteries have a dirty secret, and buses.

Tesla’s ‘virtual power plant’ might be second-best to real people power
Our energy system puts consumers more or less at the mercy of business and regulators. What if the future of energy meant putting the power back in the hands of households?

The Future, This Week 09 February 2018
This week: what's up with universal basic income, fiduciary moats, and cars in space in other news.

The Future, This Week 15 September 2017
This week: update my car, your phone will see you now, and power to the hackers.

The Future, This Week 04 August 2017
This week: meet Mike, why electric cars are only getting greener, and are digital natives real?

Can autonomous vehicles become sexy?
The self-driving car is often presented as the transportation technology of the future. Indeed, Google already had a fleet of 20+ self-driving vehicles that have travelled almost one million autonomous miles.