An optimistic nudge can turn an investor to the green side
Can optimistic framing drive the institutional investment shift needed to address climate change?

Board games at Disney, the fight of the figureheads
Disney's star-studded board faces activist investor pressure, but do the celebrity directors have the right expertise? What's the implication for other companies facing activist shareholders?

Buy Now Pay Later – what are the pitfalls?
Around a quarter of Australian adults have used a Buy Now, Pay Later service. What does the industry's increasing influence mean for younger and at-risk consumers?

The rise of the value destroyers – activist short sellers
Do activist short sellers actively destroy the value of firm investments, in addition to their role in ‘correcting mispricing / overvaluation’?

Trading around divorce
Divorce, for most, is an uncomfortable, life-altering experience. What is the impact of divorce on individual stock market trading decisions?

Buy now, pay later and the evolution of innovation
This week: the evolution (or revolution) in the BNPL disruption story.

Stablecoins, not-so-stable cryptocurrency
This week: as cryptocurrencies plummet, some stable coins are not so stable.

Can ESG integration make investment responsible?
Study examines whether the integration of environmental, social, and governance ratings makes investment responsible.

Intangible assets: undervalued and under rewarded by local investors
Are intangible assets now the primary drivers of company value?

Finfluencers and TikTok financial advice on The Future, This Week
This week: Finfluencers - more and more young people get their financial advice on TiktTok and other social media platforms.

Bitcoin and dogecoin head to the moon. What’s the future of crypto?
Cryptocurrencies may be heading into space, but here’s some down to earth advice.

NFTs and Gamestop on The Future, This Week
This week: we discuss how digital ownership through NFTs creates value and new kinds of assets, and what the GameStop saga reveals about new forms of spontaneous digital organising.