Why automation makes your job harder: unlearn automation
We discuss why it’s no longer true that automation and AI will make all our jobs easier.

Unpacking the gig economy impact on The Future, This Week
This week: as the world sets out to regulate gig work, we look at its surprising consequences and wider impact.

A better deal for Uber drivers in UK, but Australia’s gig workers must wait
Uber has been forced by the UK courts to treat its British drivers as workers. It will probably require legislative change for Uber's Australian drivers to be treated as employees.

Autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars on The Future, This Week
This week: after a flurry of contradicting announcements, we discuss if self-driving cars have finally arrived, or what it would take to get them here.

The car industry and food delivery on The Future, This Week
This week: where will the sputtering car industry go? And struggling food delivery apps.

The gig economy: a tale of two workers
COVID-19 spawns two classes of employees: The under worked vs the overworked.

YouTube fame and ghost kitchens on The Future, This Week
This week: welcome to Season 6, with hidden YouTube fame and ghost kitchens.

Revisiting Uber, money and monkeys with Keith Chen
Behavioural economist Keith Chen investigates what will humans do for how much money.

The Future, This Week 14 Jun 19: #FlyingCars, #Mobility, #EVs
This week: Flying cars, China pushes electric vehicles, and the future of the automobile.

Our must-listen podcasts from 2018
To celebrate the milestone of producing our 100th podcast and the closing of a successful year, here is a collection of our favourite podcast interviews from 2018.

Uber, money and monkeys with Keith Chen
Behavioural economist Keith Chen investigates what will humans do for how much money.

The Future, This Week 06 July 2018
From Sydney Business Insights, this is our 100th podcast! This week: AI matters, hail the rides, and flying snake bots.