In Elon Musk – the man most likely to be an alien – we trust
A time traveller, a stranded alien from Mars, or a Quixote with money who likes to make stuff? Just who is Elon Musk?

Business models and big tech on The Future, This Week
This week: reducing the reliance on ad revenue, reducing the reliance on external partners: how big tech companies evolve their business models.

The conversations hidden by coronavirus: space, tech and climate on The Future, This Week
This week: the conversations gone missing during COVID-19: space, tech and climate.

Virtual prisons and satellites on The Future, This Week
This week: virtual prisons, blinded by satellites, and robots in love.

The Future, This Week 28 Sep 18: space measurements, liveability, and privacy (not)
This week: measure from space, liveable cities, and privacy is not the issue.

Shooting for the moon is surprisingly hard
One small step for man.…does not necessarily make good business sense for mankind.

The Future, This Week 09 March 2018
This week: facing the fake food future, big data big brother, and space junk and cloning voices in other news.