Zoom fatigue: a laborious act, in two parts
Even a few video calls can leave us exhausted, so how do you weigh the potential return on investment of each virtual meeting?

Morning or evening type? Choice of hours is the next big thing in workplace flexibility
More choice over when we work be the next big gain in productivity.

Hybrid work: the 9 things we have learnt
After the pandemic-induced experimentation with new forms of work – here is a checklist of nine things we have learnt about hybrid working (and what is, and isn’t, working).

9 things we learned about hybrid work
This week: we take stock and discuss nine important things we learned about hybrid work.

Leading the remote work teams of the future
How can leaders build a culture of collaboration and trust in the world of ongoing hybrid work?

Buy now, pay later and the evolution of innovation
This week: the evolution (or revolution) in the BNPL disruption story.

Adding walking to working from home
Does working from home provide an opportunity to reframe active travel choices?

The future of wine and some remote work stuff
This week: the future of wine is bleak because of millennials, climate, tariffs and taxes; and more remote work and fake companies.

Digital empathy – what the workers of the world will need to flourish
How will businesses that fail to invest in employee upskilling struggle in the new digitalised world of work?

Social capital on Corona Business Insights
Social capital, networking and the office: part four of a series looking at shifting working practices, distributed and hybrid work.

Wellbeing on Corona Business Insights
Wellbeing, burnout and memory fog: part three of a series looking at shifting working practices, distributed and hybrid work.

Productivity on Corona Business Insights
Revisiting productivity and remote work: part two of a series looking at shifting working practices, distributed and hybrid work.