Board games at Disney, the fight of the figureheads
Disney's star-studded board faces activist investor pressure, but do the celebrity directors have the right expertise? What's the implication for other companies facing activist shareholders?

The ABC behind successful teamwork
With teamwork as the secret sauce for service excellence, is identifying and cultivating the right blend of teamwork mechanisms the special ingredient to transform customer satisfaction into profits?

Looking for employees with high productivity and low turnover? Hire a refugee.
Research shows refugees make motivated, loyal employees with lower turnover, but are employers overlooking this untapped talent due to assumptions and perceived barriers?

There is a SMART solution to worker burnout
The psychological toll on healthcare and social assistance workers is immense - what if we could reimagine these jobs to prevent burnout?

Zoom fatigue: a laborious act, in two parts
Even a few video calls can leave us exhausted, so how do you weigh the potential return on investment of each virtual meeting?

Think slow to ensure your project succeeds
What do the movie studio Pixar and the Empire State Building have in common? Professor Bent Flyvbjerg shares principles of good project management.

Megaprojects and getting big things done with Bent Flyvbjerg
This week: a discussion with Bent Flyvbjerg on the factors that lead projects to fail, whether big or small, and the research-based principles that can make them succeed.

A business strategy: what would Kim Kardashian do?
Companies with an eye to winning new customers need to harness the business power of social media.

How to prevent success from breeding failure
What if innovation leads to corporate disaster?

Leading the remote work teams of the future
How can leaders build a culture of collaboration and trust in the world of ongoing hybrid work?

Digital empathy – what the workers of the world will need to flourish
How will businesses that fail to invest in employee upskilling struggle in the new digitalised world of work?

Making leisure work on The Future, This Week
This week: how should we spend our time off? How making leisure time productive is making us efficient but also unhappy and what we can do about it.