Decent work is a collective effort
Ensuring workers receive their fair share of their country’s wealth is a key concern of SDG 8, which aims to promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.

Decent work, not there yet for Australian women
Women’s work – to turn the language of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 around – is indecent work. We can’t tackle ‘decent work for all’ without adopting a gender lens.

Australian consumers support better protections for gig workers
What is the quality, rather than the quantity, of the jobs that we wish to tolerate as a society?

Looking for employees with high productivity and low turnover? Hire a refugee.
Research shows refugees make motivated, loyal employees with lower turnover, but are employers overlooking this untapped talent due to assumptions and perceived barriers?

The emerging untruths of a global economy
The developing economic arrangements will not be a return to last century’s certainties.

Morning or evening type? Choice of hours is the next big thing in workplace flexibility
More choice over when we work be the next big gain in productivity.

Mental health plays a big role in advancing the economy – we need a measure beyond GDP
Mental health plays a significant role in productivity but is often overlooked. To maintain its promising economic growth, Indonesia must put its people’s well-being into the calculation.

Getting old means never getting to retire
Demographic time-bombs and super ageing societies - what does it all mean for countries with falling birth rates?

Hybrid work: the 9 things we have learnt
After the pandemic-induced experimentation with new forms of work – here is a checklist of nine things we have learnt about hybrid working (and what is, and isn’t, working).

The 4-day work week with Juliet Schor
This week: what if we all worked four days a week? We talk with Professor Juliet Schor about her research into the 4-day work week and the trials happening around the world.

Coal, oil and gas and their inflationary problem
The clean energy transition is inevitable one way or another, but will greenflation be an issue along the way?

A technologically advanced society is choosing to destroy itself. It’s both fascinating and horrifying to watch
Why does civil society accept a system that condemns today’s children life on a hostile planet? And what can we do about it?