Sydney Business Insights and the University of Sydney Business School support a number of events to help individuals, organisations, business and communities explore the future of business.

A live conversation with Bent Flyvbjerg
Join Bent Flyvbjerg, the world’s leading megaproject expert, for a discussion on the factors that lead projects to fail, whether big or small, and the research-based principles that can make them succeed.

The politics of mitigation, adaptation and suffering
Unpacking how responses to the climate crisis have been organised by business & government, and what possibilities of transformation lie ahead.

A new way to wealth: the role of social response capitalism
A public lecture by Dr Bruce Piasecki.

Join us on Friday, 16 September 2022 for DISRUPT.SYDNEY

The shape of things to come
We launch our 2022 programming by canvassing bold ideas from across the University to understand what’s on the horizon and Read more

In conversation with Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman
Join Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman to discuss his unique contribution to academic thought, business practice, decision making and our understanding what it is to be human in a complex world.

Launching Nudge: The Final Edition with Nobel Prize winner Richard H. Thaler
Join Nobel Prize winner and father of behavioural economics Richard Thaler in hisonly Australian appearance to celebrate the launch of his latest book Nudge, The Final Edition.
University of Sydney update regarding COVID-19
New policies to protect students and staff announced.