SDG 5: Gender equality

SDG5 - Gender equality
Inserting a gender lens into the public eye

Public transport systems are designed for “a-to-b” commuters, people tavelling from home to work and back. That is not how people with unpaid caregiving demands, which are still mostly shouldered by women in most societies, need to travel.

SDG5 - Women in the workplace
Women at work

Gender inequality in the home and at work are intertwined, impacting women across their entire lives. Globally, women perform more care work (both unpaid and paid) than men.

Empty conference room with a long table and chairs.
Hybrid work: the 9 things we have learnt

After the pandemic-induced experimentation with new forms of work – here is a checklist of nine things we have learnt about hybrid working (and what is, and isn’t, working).

Sandra and Kai on an illustrated background
Hybrid office fashion

This week: what should you wear to work: the end of suit and heels and more hybrid office fashion.