AI chatbots are coming to your workplace but are not necessarily coming for your job
Chatbots are proving to be productive and useful but they can be unreliable and make mistakes.

Zoom fatigue: a laborious act, in two parts
Even a few video calls can leave us exhausted, so how do you weigh the potential return on investment of each virtual meeting?

Morning or evening type? Choice of hours is the next big thing in workplace flexibility
More choice over when we work be the next big gain in productivity.

How to perfect your prompt writing for ChatGPT, Midjourney and other AI generators
Users are having a blast getting creative with AI generators – but your output is only ever as good as your prompt.

Generative AI and life advice for the future with Kevin Kelly
This week: we talk with Wired Magazine co-founder Kevin Kelly about artificial intelligence, group think, and excellent advice for living.

Hybrid work: the 9 things we have learnt
After the pandemic-induced experimentation with new forms of work – here is a checklist of nine things we have learnt about hybrid working (and what is, and isn’t, working).

ChatGPT and generative AI
This week: Our ChatGPT and generative AI special. What is it? How does it work? What to do with it? Where to next?

Why you should never retire: unlearn retirement
We discuss why collecting that gold watch and retiring at 65 might not be the best thing and why it’s time to change the retirement narrative.

The 4-day work week with Juliet Schor
This week: what if we all worked four days a week? We talk with Professor Juliet Schor about her research into the 4-day work week and the trials happening around the world.

The looming AI arms race in hiring
As organisations embrace AI hiring systems, how will they be gamed?

9 things we learned about hybrid work
This week: we take stock and discuss nine important things we learned about hybrid work.

From silence to celebration – shifting experiences for LGBTIQ+ in the workplace
Momentum towards effective diversity must be maintained while there is continuing aggression against LGBTIQ+ populations around the world.