Elon musk

The Future, This Week 01 April 2017

This week's April Fool's special edition: how Elon Musk wants to save us from the AI apocalypse, the role of smart phones in planned parenthood, farmers hacking tractors, and Trump's burning tweets.

Can autonomous vehicles become sexy?

The self-driving car is often presented as the transportation technology of the future. Indeed, Google already had a fleet of 20+ self-driving vehicles that have travelled almost one million autonomous miles.

The human side of energy security

The energy industry is a critical industry because it underpins Australia's economic success and quality of life. How can we move beyond economic and engineering perspectives we naturally tend to focus on and consider the human side of energy security? We talk to Associate Professor Jane Lê to find out.

The Future, This Week 17 March 2017

This week: why electric cars are nothing like fax machines, Elon Musk offers to solve South Australia’s power problems in 100 days, and a strange experiment at the German space agency.