SDGs by 2030 – are we on track?
Discover how the Business School academics’ research is contributing to achieving the UN’s 17 goals for sustainable development.
Partnering for refugee employment
When considering their talent pipelines, few companies think outside-of-the-box. Most refugees flourish in the workplace, and so do the businesses that hire them.
Institutional investors demand a more sustainable capitalism
Honey gathering is a solitary job in Indigenous communities. The collector then shares the honey with their community but refrains from joining in the honey feast themself. The idea is that the gathering is not…
Business is global and so are human rights
Due to the collapse of a factory in Bangladesh, it provoked international action to improve workplace safety and labour conditions in the globalised garment industry.
Reducing political corruption raises business investments
How much does political corruption cost the community? We set out to quantify the negativities of corruption in terms of lost investment, jobs not created, and hampered economic growth.
Optimisation model as a guide to burning forests to save forests
Setting fire to parts of a forest to save it might seem counterintuitive to urban communities. There is no equivalent of torching a few streets to protect a suburb. However, amongst First Nations people in…
Net zero now – it’s the economy AND the planet
In Australia, as elsewhere, the climate wars have focused on the climate versus jobs dichotomy. Yet while Australia remains highly dependent on fossil fuel extraction for its national economic prosperity it has also become increasingly…
Securing energy and reducing carbon – making the hard decisions
How much electricity will we need in the future? We don’t know the answer and yet governments must make decisions, set policies and plan for the absolute certainly that is climate change.
It’s in the books: accounting for sustainability
Around the world companies are updating their reporting practices. More than 95% of the world’s largest companies report on their sustainability matters.
SDGs and the city
Over the next 50 years people living in low-income nations will undertake one of this century’s defining megatrends: rapid urbanisation.
Purpose not profit is the key to successful Indigenous business ventures
Australia is still a settler-colonial society. We are locked into a deficit discourse, meaning many Australians don’t actually believe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are capable of devising solutions for their issues.
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