The death of the smart city
The smart city has been the dazzling promise in urban planning for the last 20 years, but is the idea failing?
The North-South divide in smart city development
Smart cities continue to spread, but how is the North-South divide impacting development in the Global South?
Chinese companies win clean sweep of smart city awards
The Chinese Government declared it wants to be the world leader in AI, how has that impacted the AI City Challenge?
Smart street furniture in Australia: a public service or surveillance and advertising tool?
The data collection and surveillance capabilities of smart street furniture raise a number of concerns.
Autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars on The Future, This Week
This week: after a flurry of contradicting announcements, we discuss if self-driving cars have finally arrived, or what it would take to get them here.
The Future, This Week 23 Nov 18: patents, co-housing, and dangerous questions
This week: disturbing patents, smart housing, and asking a dangerous question.
The Future, This Week 24 November 2017
This week: is the ivory tower asleep at the wheel, city experiments, and Uber...again.
Putting cities back into ‘smart cities’
Amidst growing fascination with the promise of digital technologies, do we really understand how to think strategically about cities?