Confronting ageing: the talk Australia has to have
Australian society will be reshaped as its population ages, it needs to have some confronting conversations about ageing and how it pays the inevitable cost.

The demographic change of the century
This century’s shifting population patterns are the fuel that will power significant economic change.

India’s population overtakes China
Two traditional societies must both confront the need to reformulate social norms as their populations change.

Getting old means never getting to retire
Demographic time-bombs and super ageing societies - what does it all mean for countries with falling birth rates?

Why you should never retire: unlearn retirement
We discuss why collecting that gold watch and retiring at 65 might not be the best thing and why it’s time to change the retirement narrative.

China’s baby bust will change the world
By the turn of the century 100 working-age Chinese will have to support as many as 120 elderly Chinese.

The Future, This Week 10 Aug 18: demographic time bombs, death, toddlers and aliens
This week: Populous time bombs, disrupting death, and toddlers and aliens.

Aim for cities of all sizes to give everyone a fair go
Having cities of all sizes will increase people's choices of where to live and work.