Black mirror lawyering
Recent developments in AI have alerted lawyers that the environment in which they compete is changing.

Squid Game and the future of content on The Future, This Week
This week: Squid Game, the biggest hit in Netflix history is re-shaping the future of movies and television.

The Social Dilemma and platforms on The Future, This Week
This week: The Social Dilemma, our first movie review on The Future, This Week. We bring in everything we’ve learnt about social media over the past three years.

Marketing in a time of shifting normal
What are the two main questions that marketers should be considering during COVID-19?

The Future, This Week 29 Mar 19: It’s all #AppleNews
This week: a lot of #AppleNews, platforms and piracy.

The Future, This Week 23 Nov 18: patents, co-housing, and dangerous questions
This week: disturbing patents, smart housing, and asking a dangerous question.

The power of followership
Can we truly understand leadership if we don't understand followers?

The Future, This Week 19 Oct 18: beds, streaming, and the end of the world
This week: sweet dreams, lots of streams, and the end of the world.

The Future, This Week 27 April 2018
This week: what we learn from digital business, feeling lonely, and making rain the size of Spain in other news.

The Future, This Week 23 June 2017
This week: rogue bikes, Amazon Wholefoods, and the exorcism of Uber.

The Future, This Week 05 May 2017
This week: do wearables deserve to die, why Netflix is resilient to hackers, and the challenge of building a great social network.