VR is transforming how buildings are made
We no longer need to rely on the individual capability of people to read plans or imagine the spaces based on the pictures or verbal descriptions.

Think slow to ensure your project succeeds
What do the movie studio Pixar and the Empire State Building have in common? Professor Bent Flyvbjerg shares principles of good project management.

Megaprojects and getting big things done with Bent Flyvbjerg
This week: a discussion with Bent Flyvbjerg on the factors that lead projects to fail, whether big or small, and the research-based principles that can make them succeed.

For the sake of the planet we need to rethink human-centred design
Consumer expectations are changing due to a growing awareness of our impact on the planet. What does life-centred design offer organisations?

Design and design thinking on The Future, This Week
This week: we talk about design and design thinking in an uncertain world, as we problem-solve our way out of the pandemic.

The Future, This Week 06 April 2018
This week: unpacking inequality, why shooting for the moon is hard, and cars demanding attention in other news.

The Future, This Week 10 November 2017
This week: AI can't see my cat, predicting is creating, and it's a Musk.

Big design, keeping up with blockchain, how computers change us, goodbye Walt and more – 02 June 2017
This week's news roundup of what's impacting the future of business.

The Future, This Week 02 June 2017
This week: big design, keeping up with blockchain, how computers change us and goodbye Walt.

The Future, This Week 19 May 2017
This week: the Frightful Five, white men designing apps, and ten thousand phones enslaved to like you.