Data, privacy and tracking on The Future, This Week
This week: we dive into the complex shadow world of trading location data from innocuous apps.
Facebook’s virtual reality push is about data, not gaming
Facebook's Oculus Quest 2 headset is the latest step in the construction of a 'mirrorworld' built on high-tech surveillance and targeted advertising.
How the shady world of the data industry strips away our freedoms
In the past decade, the Australian government has commissioned data analytics projects worth more than A$200 million. We have little information about what they involved.
Contact tracing and surveillance during COVID-19 on The Future, This Week
This week: contact tracing with Apple and Google, and the big picture of surveillance during the pandemic.
Thinking with Daniel Kahneman
How can we make better decisions? Professor Daniel Kahneman discusses bias, noise and algorithms.
Data analytics on The Future, This Week
This week: part two of a special with Simon Kemp on data analytics.
The state of digital on The Future, This Week
This week: part one of a special with Simon Kemp on the state of digital.
Myspace and consumerism on The Future, This Week
This week: preserving our digital heritage, and the national identity crisis caused by consumerism.
The future of you
Your future is not yet written. Here are some ideas currently being tested that aim to put people at the centre of discussions about a better AI future.
The Future, This Week 1 Mar 19: data is not oil, dangerous AI, and robo-monk
This week: why data is not like oil, dangerous AI, and a robot that gives sermons.
The Future, This Week 23 Nov 18: patents, co-housing, and dangerous questions
This week: disturbing patents, smart housing, and asking a dangerous question.
Purchasing privacy
Is privacy now a luxury only the rich can afford?