Looking for employees with high productivity and low turnover? Hire a refugee.
Research shows refugees make motivated, loyal employees with lower turnover, but are employers overlooking this untapped talent due to assumptions and perceived barriers?

Can marketing be a force for good in the world?
Without marketing, businesses engaging in strategies relating to the UN Sustainable Development Goals are unlikely to achieve their strategic goals.

Can ESG integration make investment responsible?
Study examines whether the integration of environmental, social, and governance ratings makes investment responsible.

Why CSR is taking off in China
As China grows its economy, how do local private enterprises handle pressing social and environmental issues?

Politics at work on The Future, This Week
This week: Basecamp banning employees having political and societal discussions at work points to new challenges for leaders deciding what their business stands for.

What is business for?
Milton Friedman argues the only responsibility of business is to make money. Michael Porter claims business can create economic value while addressing social challenges. So what is business for?