DISRUPT – Digital Disruption Research Group

Join us for this Masterclass with Gary A Klein, author, consultant and academic, world-famous for his work in natural decision-making, and insight generation.

We are excited to be able to share Gary’s expertise with the Sydney community!

This full-day DISRUPT.SYDNEY™ workshop event takes place on Wednesday 25 May 2016 in the Sydney CBD campus of the University of Sydney Business School (9am-5pm).

Make sure to benefit from our Early Bird registration fee of AUD880.00 (incl GST).

Why should I attend?

Two of the biggest challenges facing modern organisations in disrupted marketplaces are 1) to rapidly create new insights and 2) to accelerate professional development and knowledge transfer to stay on top of change. This workshop brings together the ground-breaking work of Gary Klein in these areas.

We live in an age of data abundance, yet we still suffer from insights shortage. Insights don’t come easily, but they don’t happen by magic either. Insight generation can be learned. And Gary Klein is the world expert! Learn more about Gary.

About this Masterclass

In the morning, participants will explore the ShadowBox method of professional development and in the afternoon discover Dr Klein’s thinking on “how to see what others don’t”.

The ShadowBox method is a product of many years of research and practical application in solving the problem of how to help workers “think like the expert” in an accelerated period of time. Leveraging Gary’s pioneering work in cognitive task analysis techniques, the method is designed to accelerate the learning curves of workers who are newly qualified to help them become workers who can be relied on to use their judgment to handle challenging incidents. This approach shifts development from the domain of rules and procedures to sense-making and cognitive skills in complex situations.

Since writing his book Seeing What Others Don’t, Gary has continued to evolve the ideas and has designed some new interactions to explore insight generation and application. These brand new activities will be facilitated for the first time anywhere in the world at Gary’s Australian workshop series in Melbourne and Sydney.

We have designed this workshop so that participants will be able to:

  • Explore the ShadowBox approach to accelerate professional development and knowledge transfer.
  • Experience cognitive skills training for accelerated learning.
  • Identify how to create an environment that generates insights.
  • Discover how to apply knowledge and insights to create value.

Not in Sydney?

Join Gary’s Masterclass in Melbourne on 23 May or Singapore on 27 May.

The Digital Disruption Research Group (DDRG) brings together colleagues from academia and industry who share an interest in the wider topic area of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and change.