Yale Z Wong is an independent advisor in the public transport and intelligent transport systems (ITS) sectors. With deep technical expertise and a global outlook on future mobility, business transformation, operational management, market entry, research and policy development, Yale’s extensive experience cuts across government, bus/coach operators, industry associations and vehicle manufacturers/suppliers. Yale undertook his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) where he was a member of the team undertaking the quantitative and empirical investigation of mobility as a service (MaaS) on the value proposition of legacy transport providers, emerging business models and government procurement strategies. In his research and outreach roles, Yale won the David Willis Prize (2018), ITLS Research Prize (2018), and was selected by ITS Australia as Youth Ambassador to the World Congress (2019), and as recipient of the Young Professional Award (2019).Yale continues to offer regular media commentary and is a powerful industry advocate in his now strategic capacity as Honorary Associate at ITLS.

For public transport to keep running, operators must find ways to outlast coronavirus
Minimising health risks has rightly been the focus of public policy during the coronavirus outbreak. This includes efforts to protect both frontline public transport employees and the travelling public.