Olivia Muscat is a writer and disability arts advocate. She has been published in Witness Performance, Baby-Teeth Journal, Time Out and Kill Your Darlings. Her short memoirs appear in the anthologies ‘Meet Me at the Intersection, and the upcoming ‘Growing Up Disabled in Australia, out June 2020. She has appeared as an artist and moderator at the Emerging Writers’ Festival and the YA Day festival, and was awarded the 2019 Lesley Hall arts and disability scholarship to work on her novel for younger readers. In her spare time she volunteers with The YA Page, a group for Young Adult writers, and at State Library Victoria, where she gets to sing songs and read stories with kids and babies, which she hopes will get her one step further towards her life-long dream of being a Play School presenter. You can usually find her lurking on Twitter, where she is near constantly nerding out about books, TV, musicals and romcoms, and yelling at ableist nonsense.

Living through touch in the age of Corona
It will be a long time before I, and many other disabled people, feel that we can live our lives as we did before COVID.