Max Baker

Senior lecturer
The University of Sydney Business School
Before his academic career, Max worked as an accountant and auditor for PwC and Macquarie Bank. His PhD thesis won the 2014 international Emerald award for the best PhD in interdisciplinary accounting and since has published a number of articles in top-tier academic journals. In 2016, Max co-authored a Nation-Wide investigation into the costs, performance and accountability of Australian private prisons. As an active commentator on prison policy reform, Max is often asked to provide expert testimony and submissions to relevant government inquiries. To communicate his research more broadly Max writes newspaper articles and has appeared on TV and radio. He serves on the editorial board of Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal and Accounting and Business Research and is an Associate Editor of ABACUS. Recently, Max won the Mary Follett Award for most outstanding paper in Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal.

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SDG9 - Cybersecurity
Ending the wild west of data collection

Cybercrime attacks both individual and the national well-being. Such violations are hugely psychologically distressing and can lead to strong feelings of unease and a lack of trust in institutions.