John Shields is Academic Director International at The University of Sydney Business School. John holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in History (1977) from the Australian National University, a PhD in Economic History from the University of Sydney (1990) and is Professor of Human Resource Management and Organisational Studies in the Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies within the Business School. He is an experienced educator in the human resource management field, with particular expertise in performance management and reward management. He represents the Business School on a number of University Executive Committees and Control Boards, including the Heads of School Committee, and the Sydney Operating Model Project Control Board. John also represents the School on the Australian Business Deans’ Council Learning and Teaching Network, is an Executive Board of the CEMS Global Alliance in Management Education and Chairs of the CEMS Academic Committee. His association memberships include the Australian Human Resources Institute (CAHRI), The Academy of Management, and the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History. He is also a member of Council of Sancta Sophia College at the University of Sydney.

University life and learning reimagined
The Australian university student of the future will not fit identifiable stereotypes. How should the education sector adapt?